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Resources - Overview

The Spastic Paraplegia Foundation offers free tools and resources to help you find the answers you need.

  • The SPF has partnered with NEALS (Northeast ALS) consortium to create a list of clinics that are treating PLS and/or HSP patients. We also compiled a list of SPF members recommended physicians and information about selecting a physical therapist.

  • SP Foundation Ambassadors are available to help you connect with local resources and events in your area. Find out who your Ambassador is and get their contact information here.


    Post questions, get answers and meet new people. An excellent way to ask about drugs, therapies, progression and experiences. Individuals with an interest in both PLS and HSP are welcomed to join.

  • The community forum offers a wide variety of information, advice and answers to questions that many PLS and HSP patients have. It’s also a great resource for caregivers wanting to learn more about the diseases and how they can help a loved one.

  • See all the past SP Foundation Synapse Newsletters published since 2008. The newsletter is published quarterly and provides information on news, research, practical advice and a summary of local activities.

Our Impact since our inception...

  • Dollars Raised

    Over 12,000,000 dollars for research!

Thank you to our generous sponsors.