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How to Help

Write Your Friends and Family

Your friends and family really care about you. They want to help you and are looking for a way. You can give them that chance. The only reason that they haven't given to helping us find a cure is that they have not been asked. Here is an example of a letter you might write this Fall to your friends and family:

Dear their name,
You probably already know this but I have a rare upper motor neurological disorder called __________ (either Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia or Primary Lateral Sclerosis). This disease is defined in the dictionary as being "characterized by insidiously progressive lower extremity weakness and spasticity."

Oh, but there is hope for a cure. The Spastic Paraplegia Foundation was founded in 2002 and they have made amazing progress working toward a cure. In the past years they have funded over 11 million dollars worth of research. In the past year alone, there was a scientific paper published about either HSP or PLS (very closely related conditions) every 3 days. Science has progressed to the point where actual clinical trials of real treatments for real people like me will be unfolding early next year.

I am writing in the hopes that you might want to share in helping that hope come to fruition. Instead of a Birthday or Christmas present this year, I am hoping that you will consider making a tax-deductible donation to The Spastic Paraplegia Foundation. You can do so by either going to their website: and clicking on the DONATE button or simply sending a check to:
The Spastic Paraplegia Foundation

6952 Clayborne Drive

O’Fallon, MO 63368-6202

Just mark in the memo section of the website or on your check that you are giving in my honor so I can be sure to send you a thank you note. Over 97 cents of every dollar donated to SPF goes directly to state of the art research.

Thank you so much for considering this idea.

your name

Editing tip: If they don't normally give to you for Christmas or Birthday, you might eliminate the words: "Instead of a Birthday or Christmas present" and capitalize the following word: "This"

Our Impact since our inception...

  • Dollars Raised

    Over 12,000,000 dollars for research!

Thank you to our generous sponsors.