SPF Annual Conference YouTube conferences, talks, and podcasts from 2020
The Spastic Paraplegia Foundation organizes various events, including the Annual Conference and SPF Talks, which are recorded and made available to the public. The SPF Annual Conferences feature presentations from physicians, researchers, therapists, and individuals with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) or Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS). Speakers discuss the latest research findings on the causes and mechanisms of HSP and PLS, potential treatments, and available therapies. SPF Talks are focused presentations by physicians, researchers, or individuals with HSP or PLS on specific topics relevant to the community.
Accessing Videos
This following downloadable document contains a list of hyperlinked presentation titles for the SPF Annual Conference and the SPF Talks starting in 2020. Click on the title of a presentation to go to the corresponding video on our YouTube channel.
Additional Resources
This document refers to SPF Annual Conferences only from 2020 onwards, and to all SPF Talks. Many other videos are available on the SPF YouTube channel, which can be accessed HERE
Our Impact since our inception...
Dollars Raised
Over 12,000,000 dollars for research!