SPF Talks
SPF TALKS is an outreach effort talking about subject matters of interest to people with HSP or PLS.
The SPF TALKS will be Zoom meetings or webinars on how people with disabilities and caregivers can identify, obtain, and use helpful information. SPF TALKS will support a wide range of topics, designed to help with lifestyle issues, and daily and livable concerns.
Each SPF TALKS will feature speakers enthusiastic about a topic that you may also find interesting and helpful, or we’ll have open forums to discuss a variety of subjects. Information presented on SPF Talks is not intended or implied to be a substitution for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Save the dates!
Emails will go out to our membership a few weeks before a talk is scheduled. If you are not a member JOIN HERE. If you have a topic you would like to present EMAIL US.
SPF TALKS are recorded and on the SPF YouTube Channel shortly after: CLICK HERE or below.
Upcoming SPF Talks
Neurostimulation: Spinal Cord Stimulation for Neurological Recovery
SPF Talks - Connecting PLS Patients with Dr. Sabrina Paganoni, MD, PhD
UTI: Causes, Treatment and Prevention
PLS Natural History: Preparing the field for future clinical trials
SPF Talks on YouTube Channel
View all of the past SPF Talks on the SPF YouTube Channel.
Our Impact since our inception...
Dollars Raised
Over 12,000,000 dollars for research!