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Donate Here

Many Ways to Donate

Many Ways You Can Donate

There are many ways to donate to the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation. Some require a contribution. Some you can make by shopping using convenient apps. 

See the different ways below. The first section contains different ways to contribute. The second section contains ways you can indirectly help by shopping and benefiting the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation.

Ways to Contribute and Gift to SPF

(You can also honor or remember someone when donating by check or credit card.)

  • Donate by Check
    Donate by Check

    You can send a check to:
    6952 Clayborne Drive
    O’Fallon, MO 63368-6202

  • You can donate by credit card once, monthly, or quarterly. Contributing monthly is convenient and budget-friendly. You will be redirected to The Network For Good website that we use for collecting donations and contact management.

  • Budget Conscience? Use our convenient monthly way to donate.

  • PayPal covers all fees. You need a PayPal account. Your donation will be made to PayPal Giving Fund, a 501(c)(3) charity.
    Paypal is international.

  • Supporting Your Favorite Charity
    Items that benefit charity may sell faster, even at a premium price? Donate 10% or more and your item will feature an attention-grabbing charity ribbon—it may even be listed in the Charity Shop. Plus, you reduce your seller fees and enjoy tax savings.

  • Text-to-Donate

    Grab your mobile device and TEXT "Donate" to 956-666-7954.

  • You can donate to our account or start you fundraiser under our umbrella. Click on the image above.

  • SPF is seeking your generous support to establish a pilot program for a Conference Scholarship. The pilot program is being created to help individuals with HSP or PLS attend the SPF Annual Conference. Consideration will be given to those that are low-income individuals and families who have HSP or PLS. Conference Scholarships only cover the registration fees for the annual conference for the person with HSP or PLS. The scholarships are funded by donations.

  • Donating Appreciated Securities
    Donating Appreciated Securities

    Donating a charitable gift of appreciated securities is a great way to contribute to research to find a cure for HSP and PLS and get a big break on your income tax. Publicly traded securities held for more than one year are the non-cash assets most frequently donated to charities. If you itemize deductions on your tax return instead of taking the standard deduction, donating these assets can unlock additional funds for charity in two ways. First, you eliminate the capital gains tax you would incur if you sold the assets yourself and donated the proceeds. Second, you may claim a fair market value charitable deduction for the value of the stock when the gift is made.
    For example, if you bought 100 shares of Microsoft on 1/3/95 for a total of $239.00 and sold it on 9/15/21, you would pay between $4,536.45 and $7,197.83 in capital gains taxes. You could donate the balance of between $23,284.16 and $25,945.55 and claim that as your deduction. Better yet, you can donate the stocks themselves without ever selling them, pay no capital gains taxes and the charitable deduction is the full market value or $30,482.00. The same thing can be done with bonds or Mutual Funds.
    To complete this donation, you only need to know our two bank account numbers and then have your stock broker wire the stock, bond or mutual fund to the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation. To obtain those numbers and/or for further information contact us at
    The information on this site is not intended as legal, tax or investment advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney, tax professional or investment professional.

  • Over 72? Consider Giving Directly from an IRA
    Over 72? Consider Giving Directly from an IRA

    If you are 70½ or older and have an IRA, you can make a direct transfer of up to $100,000 each year from your IRA to qualified charities, and you can apply that donation toward your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year. However, currently, minimum distributions aren't required until you are over 72 years old.

    Since a direct contribution from an IRA is not included in your taxable income for the year, this approach helps minimize your income and reduces the chance that your tax bracket will go higher. Additionally, because these distributions aren't considered income, they are exempt from charitable gift limits (but you also can't take a deduction for them). If you don't need RMD income, consider thoughtful use of your IRA to fulfill at least some of your charitable goals.

Ways to Shop and Start a Facebook Fundraiser

You can shop and benefit the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation in several different ways. You can also start a free Facebook fundraiser too. CLICK HERE

  • Look Good. Do Good. Shop the New Online SPF Store.
    Fun, functional and fashionable items are just a click away with the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation’s online SPF Store. Items from the official site for branded SPF items help raise awareness of HSP and PLS. Additionally, a portion of each purchase benefits medical research through SPF.

    Show Your SPF Style
    There are so many different items being added all the time, including:
    • T-shirts, Hoodies and other logo wear for men, women and children
    • Tech Accessories such as Phone and Tablet Cases
    • Tote Bags and Backpacks
    • Mugs for Home, Office and Travel
    • Stationary and Stickers
    • Plus so Much More

  • You can easily set up a Facebook fundraiser for the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation. It can be for your birthday, Giving Tuesday, Awareness week, or whenever you want.
    CLICK on the Facebook image.

If you would like more information about presenting a gift to the Foundation’s endowment fund or making a bequest, please contact the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation at 877-773-4483.

Our Impact since our inception...

  • Dollars Raised

    Over 12,000,000 dollars for research!

Thank you to our generous sponsors.